Leaving Is the Best Part

Carol Ann Lapeyrouse
2 min readJan 25, 2024
Woman about to walk up a flight of stairs away from the viewer.
Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

The best part of work is

when I leave for the day,

when I mechanically swallow the last two sips of

cold coffee, stale pop, or flat fizzy water,

when I reach for the black on/off

rocker switch to snap off the

fluorescent desk light.

Rising from my chair, I

increase my pace to avoid

walking out with a “certain person” who

slows me down because she

strolls too much and

talks too much.

I’m determined to leave NOW, as I

rush to the gym.

I don’t want to be late for kickboxing class. I

accelerate my pace as I trot toward my


So too,

The best part of a meeting is

when it’s over.

Scooting back my chair on the corporate carpet, I

pick up my Pilot pen,

scribbled papers,

and purse, then

pull open the heavy glass conference room door and



Carol Ann Lapeyrouse

Nonfiction writer, trauma memoirist, and mental health blogger. Child abuse survivor. Former information developer documenting financials software.